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Setting your SMART Marketing Goals

Prepare for SMART Marketing with this Goal-Setting Excel Template

Creating goals throughout the entire inbound marketing process is essential, but they have to be smart and challenging ones that help us progress. As you plan for a new year, quarter, or month, it's time to determine your SMART marketing goals.

What are your marketing goals for the year? For example, if you're looking to grow sales by 20% in quarter three then it's important that you know what actions will help achieve this objective. 

SMART is a methodology that helps you establish concrete and achievable goals.

SMART stands for:

  • Specific
  • Measurable
  • Attainable
  • Relevant
  • Time-bound

To help you align your marketing efforts with SMART goals, our Partner HubSpot built this marketing planning template that you can download for free.

It will specifically help you:

    • Easily summarise your ultimate marketing goals
    • Automatically calculate your greatest marketing need
    • Set a deadline for meeting your annual, quarterly, or monthly goals

Celebrate your goals knowing that you achieved something tangible and impactful when a SMART goal is reached.

Start creating your new goals with this free template by filling out the form!