Case studies
We are happy to share our customer's stories of success. We've grown and improved together and we are super proud of being part of their success.

Easypurge Custom Procedure App Development
How we helped Easypurge increase customer satisfaction and purging efficiency with a web app designed to support their customers 24/7.
We worked together with the sales and technical teams at Easypurge to collect all the data used during years of support provided to hundreds of customers worldwide. Using this information, our developers created a web app with a simple interface that provides customised guidance to machine operators, plant managers, distributors and sales reps.

House of Lor E-Commerce Redesign.
How we helped The Jewellery House optimise the website of one of their main brands, House of Lor, to increase B2C sales, Using a Growth Driven Design approach. Improving performance and security, analytics, content, design, catalogue management and user experience.
House of Lor is the only jewellery collection in the world using rare Irish gold mined and crafted in Ireland in every piece. It is quite common to find a piece of this collection at every Celtic Jewellery house around the globe.

Irish Rail Case Study: Adobe Software Training
Iarnród Éireann (Irish for "Irish Rail") successfully launched their new S3 Passenger sales, distribution and revenue management platform provided by Sqills in 2017, replacing the existing and dated legacy systems whilst introducing dynamic pricing capabilities for the first time.
We introduced a solution using Adobe software to both optimise their design and use of image and create templates and imagery using HTLM to easily integrate them to S3 Ticket module.

Easypurge Case Study: HubSpot CRM Implementation & Inbound
How we helped Easypurge improve their marketing, sales and support process implementing HubSpot.
Their customer facing teams relied for years on Custom Made CRM based on LAMP using a VPS this was a great solution in the beginning but as the company scaled the system started to show its limitations.
We were happy to see Marketing, Sales and Support team members happy faces when they started seeing results since the first minute using HubSpot.